Tuesday, February 01, 2005

again with the kittens

I don’t feel so much like getting into it today. Some things are bad and sad and anything else that happens to rhyme with that. Other things are a little hopeful, brain kicking in, dusting off superhero suit kind of things. I’m just trying to take care of myself now. I wasn’t at all for months and months. I still don’t do it 100%, but I do it some. And a little more each day. I worry about other’s feelings, situations, messes too much. I want to fix everything all the time. I want to get to the happy. I’ll do the right thing in this mess. I’ll find the high road again. I’ll come out a-ok because that’s how I always come out. I’m stubborn like that. Determined like that. Hopeful like that.

My favorite part about getting through a huge mess: when something happens to make it all “worth it.”

What that thing has almost always been: a boy. FUCK!

What I want that thing to be this time: a kitten!


Me.Myself.I said...

It is so nice when at the end of assorted dramas something super cool happens that does, indeed, make it all worthwhile.

Anonymous said...

oooh that kitty (and the big bad monsters after it)
High - Lare - EE - US!

i know boys - cute ones especially, they make everything 'ok' - well, if we were still in highschool ;-)

but you know what, i'm doing okay (after my big 'drama' - still gotta blog it) - and things are good. you just choose it.

and taking care of you: 1st priority! always!