Wednesday, February 16, 2005

you're like new york city

I got my cheap ass to Seattle! I was actually a little early getting to the airport. This is most unusual for me. While I am always a little panicked about missing my flight, it usually doesn’t motivate me to get my shit together much before the last minute. Yes, that’s me you see running through the airport, boarding pass in mouth, magazines in hand, bookbags strewn haphazardly over my shoulder, hair popping out of my braids, panicked look in my eyes. Honestly, it’s a wonder I can get anywhere. But today, I wasn’t running. All those other things – yes – still true. But I walked from the check-in to my gate. Leisurely at that. Apparently, this trip means a little more than most.

What I saw looking out the airplane window: clouds mostly.

What I saw looking out of the taxi window: sun, sun and more sun.

And now I’m here. Unpacked! Dinnered! Quenched! Waiting! My friend L is coming by to get me shortly. Truth be told, I’m way sleepy. It’s 11pm in the land of my people and only 9pm here. I had some coffee from one of the many coffee shops on the block and it’s hardly kicking in! I kinda just want to go to bed but it’s NINE. That’s like bedtime for 4th graders! Must! Stay! Up!

While waiting I’ve worked on my flight themed haiku for my Illustration Friday post. I had lots of writers block but them some happy kicked in and these came out.

he held my heart, soft
cupped careful in open palms
you could hear me breath

when i grow wings
i’ll fly around the world and
settle by you

flying in i knew
the hardest thing would be
saying goodbye

J and I didn’t have a chance to haiku duel prior to my getting the hell outta dodge. But I have him down for next week and head locked him into a promise of e-mail haiku duels when we are separated by a whole mess of miles and a two hour time difference. He is one of the things I’ll miss the most about Minneapplesauce. Him and almost everyone else. My friends are some of the greatest people ever invented.

I am off for a 50 degree frolic in this fair city! See you tomorrow! Wish me luck! Pet your cat! Hold your breath! It’s gonna be a great great day!


Lord Chimmy said...

And how does one win a haiku duel?

Unknown said...

Well... usually I read what he wrote and he reads what I wrote. Then we tell each other that theirs beats ours and then we say things like "No no no, really, yours is better" and then we hug.

Me.Myself.I said...

I cannot wait to hear how today goes! KNOCK THEIR SOCKS OFF!

Contrary Guy said...

Like to see those happy posts... keep 'em coming! ;)

Anonymous said...

ooooh, it's all a tingle! hope everything goes superfantastico.

Jay said...

Rock that town like a hurricane girl!

The Haiku Master said...

Well met, Haiku Girl! Keep up the good work in spreading haiku and fighting crime in your part of the world!


The Haiku Master