Friday, February 25, 2005

woo hoo woo hoo hoo! oh yeah!

Still jumping on the couch! Waiting. Boing! Waiting. Boing! I’ve had a few people ask if I really do, indeed, jump on the couch at the coffee shop and the answer is this: HECK YES. I’m cooped up in this place for 12 hours a day. I drink coffee. I tap dance. I email. I jump on the couch while talking on the phone and looking out the window. It helps to break up my day. That and seeing how long I can hold my breath. A girls gotta do…

Today is shaping up to be a very good day. The phone is ringing with more good news than bad, my cup is overflowing with clever e-mails and friends are bringing me waffles. Yes. You heard me right. I was brought waffles today! SURPRISE WAFFLES. Which, incase you didn't know, are the best kind of waffles there are. Especially if they are covered in walnuts and banana slices and then shared while chit chatting with a good friend. So thanks, :I:! You ROCK.

My 6pm interview yesterday went well. It’s smacked of formality and i dotting and t crossing. I’ll be way surprised if my ass isn’t in the red office within 30 days time. Come to think of it, I’ll also be kinda surprised if is! Like I said, this year has thrown me more than my fair share of curve balls. If I can pull this one out – well – it’ll be a fine fine day. The interview was more chit chat than the hard hitting questions I was expecting. DISAPPOINTED! I had written out over a page of notes designed to make me seem very no nonsense and unafraid of firing people. I was even going to try to work in the phrase “kick ass and take names” into the conversation, but it just never went down that road. Instead, he talked of moving to Seattle and how he liked it there, told me of fun things the sales departments do for contests and nights out, asked me about where I would live and again, my favorite question, when I would start. I hung up with a big smile on my face and an overwhelming urge to jump up and down. Which I, of course, gave into.

How I answer my favorite question: “I can start immediately!”

How they respond: “Good to hear!”

Tonight is an art show with some friends. The art is all grungy rock n’ roll posters which is quite possibly the best kind of art there is. I love the spooky creepy yet ODDLY cute designs this place spits out on a regular basis. It should be a good time. I might skip outta here early to score some new duds so I can look all cute and stuff, but we’ll see how the day unfolds. Purgatory Coffee has quite the death grip on me! If I can escape it, look for me at the mall. I’ll be the girl with the big smile and deranged coffee shop following her around on its tip toes and ready to pounce at any second.

Perhaps The Haiku Master will jump into save me if I am in peril! I know it’s usually the side kick, which would be me, that does the saving but perhaps just this once I could be snatched from the bared teeth of the shop by someone other than me. He could “hai-ku”ng fu it and whisk me to the safety of Urban Outfitters where I’ll buy a sassy t-shirt and a funky ring while he fights for my honor! DANG! That would be almost as good as surprise waffles, people! AND it carries with it the added benefit of being able to go shopping. Nice!


The Haiku Master said...

I've yet to meet the coffee shop that can withstand my Deadly Hands of Haikung Fu, H.G.! Consider your back gotten!

Me.Myself.I said...

Oooh! Have fun tonight!