Tuesday, February 15, 2005

adventures make one late for dinner

J likened me to a hobbit yesterday. Except taller. He wondered aloud if I was embarking on an epic journey with my trip and move to the Pacific Northwest. If I was the chosen one. If the weird ring I picked up at the thrift store was hiding some magical secret. With all this talk, you’d think J was a pasty faced basement dwelling D&D aficionado. No no no. Couldn’t be further from the truth. J is all mile wide smiles and Seven jeans and great hair.

Just incase he was right, especially since he is known to often be right, he espoused a few simple rules to guide me along my way. He intended them to be his parting words of advice to keep me safe and help me navigate this mean mean world. It was like highschool commencement, except nothing like it at all. I wrote his words of wisdom down in my handy dandy notebook.

H’s Rules For Encountering Magical or Mystical Creatures:

1. Never give them your real name.
2. Never ever wish for anything in front of them.
3. Never eat any food or accept any gifts they may offer you.
4. Never invite them into your house.
5. Never touch a unicorn.

I know what y'all are wondering. I wondered the same thing. This conversation snippet should answer your question:

Me: These rules are for all magical or mystical creatures - - even fairies?
J: ESPECIALLY fairies.

Now, I don’t really except to be seated next to a unicorn on the plane or bump into a troll while visiting the Space Needle, but I’ll take these along just incase. Maybe try to gleam some meaning out of them for encounters with non-magical creatures. Non magical creatures with nice smiles and cool t-shirts who want my phone number. They are surely as dangerous as fairies are. Probably more so. If asked my name by one of them, I think I’ll say Beatrice.

I was nearly offered the job over the phone yesterday! Due to discount airlines not wishing to fly between here and there on Saturday and Sunday (lazy!) I was asked to come on Thursday and return on Friday. I said, and it’s a nearly direct quote, that while not wanting to be presumptuous, that didn’t leave me any time to look for an apartment. Without hesitation, my would-be boss replied “Good point!” and switched my flight so I had a free day in C@L to look for a little place to call my own. He might as well have just said “You’re Hired!!” and asked me if I wanted a regular or ergonomic keyboard in my office, but this was just as good.

Speaking of a little place to call my own - - here is what I have my heart set on:



I wish the cat came with it!

D’OH! I made a wish! I hope there aren't any lurking magical or mystical creatures reading my pollyblog or I could be doomed! DOOMED!!


Jason said...

Doom is so 2004.


Me.Myself.I said...

I really like that apartment. It just oozes cozy, hip, and welcoming.