Saturday, January 15, 2005

next thing you know there will be parades!

I work a lot. Nearly all the time. I even sometimes dream about it which really makes me mad. But tomorrow, I have off! Believe it or not, it’s my first day off since CHRISTMAS. Remember that holiday way back when, when you got the fuzzy socks and ginormous popcorn tin? YEAH, that one. I’ve worked 20 or more days in a row and have only killed two people and eaten one toddler. So, good for me!

I’m pretty excited about my day off and was thinkin’ about all the fun things I'll do tomorrow. Fun things like lay in bed and watch cartoonz and eat breakfast without regard to crumbs and where they may land when the strangest panicked thought raced through my head - - I thought that I needed to hurry to the grocery store for the breakfast foods before they closed for the holiday at 6pm. The holiday? There is no stinkin' holiday! I have equated having days off with holidays. Yikes! Or yay! Or something!

Maybe we should all observe my day off and MAKE it a holiday. Hallmark can use another excuse to print up some cards. Everyone could use another excuse to make green bean casserole! So tomorrow, Sunday, is Haiku-girl’s Day Off Day. I will be celebrating by eating breakfast in bed and watching Invader Zim, Season II! So please everybody, raise your cereal spoons or orange juice glasses and toast my day off while still in your jammies! And who knows, maybe one day soon Congress or Dear Abby or General Mills or whoever is in charge of holidays will make it official!


Jay said...

The Power of GIR compels you!
The Power of GIR compels you!

heatherfeather said...


In Denver, the MLK parade is more than a parade. it's a MARADE! A clever combo of March and Parade. It's a parade EVERYONE CAN BE IN!

This leaves the question to be asked: who watches it then?