Tuesday, January 25, 2005

lifetime money back guarantee

Today, I’m asking M to move out.


It’s been another drama drenched week.

It’s his usual modus operendi. He’s confused, he says. Doesn’t know what he wants, he says. Covers me in the maybe of us, then does the same to her. Then says he wants to move to Chicago and be alone for a while. The back and forth, up and down, in and out of this has changed me. I’ll suddenly and sometimes realize that this isn’t me at all. I’m not a yeller. I’m not insecure. Or mean. I know this isn’t worth losing myself in. Things have to change so I can preserve what’s left of me in a nice little Tupperware container. A pale green one. Hey, if you listen real hard this afternoon, you just might be able to hear the burp.

The crafting out of debt continues. Forward ho! I finished two glitter paintings last night and they turned out way cool. Need proof? Feast your eyeballs on these babies:

Twiggy, 2005, Acrylic and glue and glitter on wee canvas board.

My 3rd Grade Feet
, 2005, made from the same stuff as the other one.

I want to make one of aliens. And roller skates. Maybe aliens on roller skates!

:A: went to a bird conference this past week and there was a man who kidnapped penguins. Did you catch that - - he KIDNAPS PENGUINS! Something about blindfolding them and placing ‘em 200 meters away from their nests – then watching to see if they can find their way back. They can! But it takes a while. Cute! Next time you’re feeling blue try imagining a disoriented penguin who has just been kidnapped. That should cheer you up.

What I’m thinking about right now: a disoriented penguin who has just been kidnapped!


Me.Myself.I said...

Kidnapping penguins? Dangit! That is just wacky.

Keep your head up and all those other cliches with this relationship business. It sucks, I know. I hate drama and relationship drama is often the worst kind of drama.

I love all the glitter in your art!!

Jason said...

I am thinking of a disoriented penguin who has just been kidnapped, who can see through his blindfold and walks right up to the kidnapper and punches him right in the stepchildren.

Penguins of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your flight....wait a minute...


Diana said...

hi, i'm really glad you left a comment on my blog (http://bitsandbabbles.blogspot.com) so that i could come here & read your fantastic writing. there are so few "bloggers" out there that i could read everyday.

your comment was so sweet, it meant a lot to me. & i was excited that you made a fanzine and you sound a lot like me. so hooray. i look forward to reading more.

p.s. i think my soul is in a red one. tupperware that is.

Diana said...

p.p.s. your paintings are quite lovely. have you looked into dA? it's a good community for artists.

p.p.p.s. who doesn't love a good disoriented penguin? i know i'm daffy for dizzy penguins, especially with tiny blindfolds covering their eyes. :D

Cassandra Kinaviaq Rae said...

Oh my god! I love your artwork :-) It would be great if you posted more photos of what you create.

Lisa Armsweat said...

Wow! Such happy, pretty paintings. You have inspired me to find glitter and work it into my day somehow. How can I ever thank you, my dear? :)
I picture a disoriented penguin just stuck in the middle of a very crowded mall during Christmas shopping season, totally unsure in which direction lies the Orange Julius. Poor lil' soul, how I would love to help thee!