Wednesday, January 19, 2005

i heart lowered expectations!

I'm going to learn how to play the guitar. It's a critical piece of my most recent self-actualization day dream. In it, I sing somewhat out of tune versions of indie/punk rock favorites in front of real live people. Songs like The Sweater Song and Get The Time. People like real ones, possibly armed with rotting fruit. OH, and I'm wearing gloshes. And :A: is backing me up on the accordion. And I look really cute and stuff. HECK YES. That is a formula for success! Or SUCKsess! We'll see!

I love to sing. I sing ALL THE TIME. Mostly in my head. Apparently, I'm a wee bit tone deaf. But that's nothing some hard work and lowered expectations can't cure! I figure if I sing breathy enough no one will notice. Or maybe I could have Ashlee Simpson lay down a backing track for me.

I'm going to give myself a year to realize this dream. I gots myself a good teacher and that's like half the battle or something! I'll start drinking tea like Madonna. You know, for my voice. I'll do exercises to improve my diaphragm. The organ one, sillies! And most especially, I'll work on building up finger calluses so I can properly hold down the power chords !!! January 2006, open mic night at the Chatterbox Pub, baby. Prepare to be DAZZLED. *jazz hands*


Anonymous said...

good luck ta ya! my sister is learning to play. she quickly realised that she can't fool her teacher - you have to practise everyday/

Contrary Guy said...

So does that mean you'll cover all the Phoebe hits like Smelly Cat too?

Canopenner said...

Playing things is hard.

I need to send that cash before winter is ova'

Jay said...

Speakin' of Smelly Cat, my cat is rather smelly as well. It will let cat poots when I'm lying in bed, trying to sleep and wakes me up with her mewing. Silly, stinky feline! Let me be!