Sunday, November 07, 2004

mondo curmudgeon!

At least I live in a blue state.

For now.


There is so much that was disappointing about the election – where to start! The first big huge thing was who won. Yeah, that was pretty disappointing! The second one was how all the states that had gay marriage bans on the ballots passed them. Mississippi passed theirs with 98% of the vote! So, it’s not ok for gay couples to marry BUT it’s ok to fuck your cousin!?! Go figure! The third disappointment was that Ohio, or Oh-Hell-No as we all should start calling it, was the pivotal state and they let us down, man. We gave them the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and they go red. What’s up with that?!? Completely uncalled for! Let’s do election day all over again – best two outta three? Is anyone up for that? Come on. It’ll be fun! Uh, please? Anyone? Anyone?

Since it’s icky cold outside, that means the start of the documentary film festival! Tis the season of waiting in outdoor ticket lines! Went to see I, Curmudgeon with some friends. It’s about grumpy people and happiness. Although, it’s much better than my description would let on. Crumb was in it. He was reclining the whole time and holding his head. Classic. Andy Rooney was a total dick. Fran Liebovitz was brilliant. Left me thinking some. At the after party, the weirdest thing was that no one was talking about the movie. It must be the kind of film that needs to sink in a bit, simmer there a while, before you can say anything smart about it. It’s been three days since then and I still can’t decide if it cheered me up or made me feel lousier! I’d recommend it though. Curmudgeons are funny people!

Also went to see Mondovino. It’s about wine. Taught me a couple of things. The first, people who make pricey wine are by in large a bunch of pretentious assholes. The second, America ruins everything. We suck. No wonder everyone hates us! I’m packing up and moving to France. Globalization and rampant consumerism have beat out tradition and variety. Everyone now makes their wines to appease the American palate and specifically American wine critic Robert Parker. And the Mondovi family – well, they are the wine mafia. Stay away from their wines if you can. They pretty much own everything, but if you can find one wine you like that maybe ISN’T owned by them, buy it often and maybe stock up, because chances are it will be owned by them shortly. The sad part is that what’s happening in wine is happening in everything! Media, film making, music, technology. The big companies rule the world! It’s hard to compete as a small business. We’re losing innovation and variety. It didn’t take me more than a few minutes to KNOW that this movie depressed me! We suck!

Stoopid Mondovino movie quote: “My dream is that in 10 or 15 generations we’ll be making wine from grapes grown on other planets! Wine from Mars!” – Michael Mondovi

Oh, boy!


Contrary Guy said...

Oh, where to start...

1) As a general rule, Ohioans are not stupid, but they (ok... WE) are very insular people... I've known a couple of women here who had not traveled outside of the state until their honeymoons. It's part educational failure, part cultural stagnation. Worst part of it is listening to coworkers and relatives try to justify their vote for Bush. It's not so bad here in Columbus, where newcomers outnumber natives by 4 to 1, but speaking for the rest, I'm already tired of Ohio getting blamed for 2004. That SE quarter of the map is where change needs to happen in 2008 (Edwards couldn't even deliver his home state).

2) I was left out of the Curmudgeon movie and I am a bit steamed. But I guess it's only famous 'mudges anyway.

3) Acc. to my latest Wine Enthusiast, the Mondavis are selling off large portions of their wine empire. Now's your chance to buy up a chunk and show 'em who can make a decent wine! (I think it's only the Napa wine-fashionistas who are the true snobs of wine... visit a winery elsewhere in the US, or even in other parts of CA, and they're very nice people)

extraspecialbitter said...

No state was bluer (in every sense of the word) during this year's election than Massachusetts. I guess we used up a century's worth of good karma when the Red Sox won...