Thursday, October 21, 2004

OH YES, soup for me

I made soup.

This may not sound like a big deal. But it is. It marks only the 3rd time in over 5 months that I have chopped anything. My diet, if you can call it that, has consisted of cheese puffs, take out and Newcastle. It’s a medical miracle that I don’t have scurvy.

Search as I would, I couldn’t find a soup recipe calling only for marshmallows, ketchup and lentils. Apparently, the internet has it’s flaws.

M’s sister has no flaws though and she was kind enough to give me her super world famous fantastico recipe for wild rice soup. Perfect for autumn. Perfect for crackers. Perfect for eating while watching Letterman.

I needed ingredients. Lund’s has ingredients. It was a date.

The grocery store was really bright. And there were all these people there buying things. Pushing around carts. Squeezing fruit. They kept talking to each other and looking at these slips of paper they all seemed to be holding. I was carrying around a little green shopping basket. Always kinda makes me feel like Dorothy sans the dog and the cool shoes. $24.81 later and I had a buncha stuff that when combined in the right order would yield soup! SOUP! Cool.

Got home. Chopped things. Boiled things. Stirred things. Added secret magic herbs and spices. Stirred some more. Simmered. Chanted. Cast a spell on. Added some cream. Taste tested. Added some pepper. And VOILA, soup! I am proud. It is delicious. The house smells like someone actually lives here for once.

Here is the recipe if you dare to try this at home:

L’s Souper Douper Wild Rice Soup Extraordinaire!
3 T butter
3 stalks celery, chopped
3 carrots, chopped
1 good sized onion, yup, you guessed it, chopped
1 t of garlic
1 can of corn
4 ½ T flour
½ t pepper
½ t poultry seasoning
1 bay leaf
2 ½ cups cooked wild rice
1 ½ cups water
2 cans of vegetable broth
1 spell
1 ½ cups of half and half
½ cup parsley, chopped
½ cup slivered almonds

Melt the butter in a really big pan. Add the celery, carrots, garlic and onion. Sautee until tender. Add corn, pepper and poultry seasoning. Cook a little bit more. Add the flour one T at a time. This will turn it into a thick paste kind of mess. DO NOT PANIC. That’s what it’s supposed to do. Add water and vegetable broth. Toss in bay leaf, preferably over your right shoulder. Add cooked wild rice. Cast your spell. Add parsley. Stir. Simmer until you can’t wait any longer. Turn off the heat. Let it sit for about 5 minutes and then add the half and half. Stir. Taste test. Add more of what you like. Taste again. Top with almonds. Feel the soup happiness wash over you. Call your friends over. Receive their many compliments with a humble smile. Pat yourself on the back for a soup well made.


Jason said...

what no veaul?

Winter and Wine Markets said...

That sounds superb!! I am so happy to have a new soup recipe. I love doing the crock pot thing in the winter and this would be wonderful. I have a wonderful and easy split pea recipe if you are ever interested. A little dash of sherry makes the flav-flav hippidy-hoppidy!!