Thursday, December 30, 2004

glow glitter groove gumball gip gip grime goo gee

I’ve hardly written. Kinda because of Christmas and good cheer and egg nog and sugar plums and “all that David Copperfield kind of crap.” Kinda because I’m sorta sick of myself. Blah blah blah. Yeah, boys can be assholes, girls can be mean, everyone can be selfish. Hasn't this story been around since penises were invented? There is much worse in the world than my little problems. If there was a way to textly shrug my shoulders, I'd do it here: ______


I’m not as upset as I come off.

This whole thing misses out on the eyebrows. I write something like that and I seem all sullen and basement dwelling, but when you know me. DANG. When you know me, it’s not like that at all. I am full of sugar and spice and one liners and tap dances with my tounge kinda sticking out to one side. My glass is half full even when it’s empty. In my medical records somewhere it says I “suffer” from childhood magical thinking. That’s the “what do you mean there is no Santa Claus, I just saw him at the mall” kind of thinking. That's the horoscopes are true and maybe I'm a superhero kind of thinking.

I am as not set up as I off come.

Meanwhile, I’ve been making glitter paintings like I was the principal set designer for the magical musical known as Xanadu.

Did you know that crafting is the new rock and roll?

I sparkle when the lights are down low.

Do you ever think of tradgedy in terms of people lost forever? Today, 115,000 people killed. For the generations to come, it's multiplied. 250,000 people, 500,000 people, a million. So very sad. Who would those people have been?

I picture the entrance to what comes next to be like a crowded subway station right now.

Like I said. My problems are small.

Do you ever wonder what you want? Who you would be without radio or tv or catalogues to influence you. Without the Jones to keep up with? Ever wonder what you’d invent if no one had ever invented anything? Me, I think I woulda invented the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grilling Maching.

Or maybe I would have invented George Foreman.

With my magic wand.


Jason said...

I would invent a human.




Pigtails and all.

And crafts are so 1982. Wait a minute. 82 is just about cool again. According to Uncle Rico.


Canopenner said...

you always seem pretty upbeat to me.

I mean I get that Mike is an ass. and Your somehow tied to him emotionally or financially so you cant kick him in the nuts on his way to the curb.

And I get that he disapointed you a great deal.


I also get that you can find in joy in an ugly ugly world.


Dont be so rough on yourself.

Jay said...

Thank you for the picture. :)

And here's wishing you a very Happy New Year for 2005! Everybody have fun and be safe. I'm busy working so I start out this year sucky. Hopefully my baby will be home when I get there.

heatherfeather said...

I would have written Harry Potter.
