Sunday, August 13, 2006

that dress looks nice on you

Painting the hearts on the rocks and typing up the fortunes was the hard part. It was the part that made me cry a little and it was the part that made Boo want to come over for a bit to see what I’d made. I had six little polished black rocks with imperfect bright red hearts painted in the center of each one. In a few hours time they would be holding down carefully worded fortunes and a row of lucky numbers.

You are free to move on.
Lucky numbers: 8, 4, 6, 3, 18, 71

When I moved here. See. Right here. I want to justify what happened by pointing out that I was a mess when I moved here. I was bruised. Bandaged. It was all I could do just to go to work. I felt like I’d landed here, accidentally. Spit out of some tornado that was mostly made up of hurt feelings and no where else to turn.

You can have fond memories of bad places.
Lucky numbers: 8, 4, 6, 3, 18, 71

Really. I’m guilty of holding on too long. Of allowing mud dragging door mat hit by a bus rinse lather repeat. I had forgotten that I’m pretty much the best version of me that ever has been and instead was remembering that there is a little insecure place in me that thinks I don't deserve very much at all. That little insecure part of me is willing to put up with a lot. And it’s also willing to not be so little sometimes.

You did the best you could.
Lucky numbers: 8, 4, 6, 3, 18, 71

So round two happened. An affair. And there I was settling for a hundredth of what I deserved. Talking myself into thinking it was all these things that it wasn’t. Mainly: harmless. And then come a Tuesday in December everything crashes into a brick wall that I didn’t see coming even though. Geeze. I should have. We both should have. It was a lot of disbelief and confusion. The kind of crisis that shows what you are made of. I’m made of some pretty good stuff.

You are forgiven.
Lucky numbers: 8, 4, 6, 3, 18, 71

The next month is not a blur. I wish I could say it was a blur. That it was dulled and almost forgotten. But it is not. It was a mix of me being a superhero and me being unable to get out of bed. Disbelief. Deer in the headlights. Vacant. Swimming pools worth of tears. Finding a place in myself that could love something enough to make a rock solid decision in the face of a thousand voices a thousand feelings a thousand possibilities.

You are always welcome here.
Lucky numbers: 8, 4, 6, 3, 18, 71

Just like that it stopped. The out of control. The chaos. The toxicity. A few more changes. Adjustments here and there. I came across the calm I had been searching for. A quiet place to gather my thoughts and get over the last couple years, the last couple months. I beat myself up a lot. For being a door mat. For making bad choices. But no more. August 4 was the day I let go. I freed myself. I put 6 happy ever after fortunes out to change the lives of who picked them up but mostly to change mine. I made pretty offerings to other wise dark places and poked around in the idea of forgiveness. Forgiveness of him. But mostly, forgiveness of me.

You have purpose.
Lucky numbers: 8, 4, 6, 3, 18, 71


Brooke said...

Good for you. Aug. 4 was a very good day.

Karen B. said...

The best we can do just keeps getting better.

darkmuze said...


heatherfeather said...

you are one of the most resilient healers i know.

i'm glad you're my friend - it gives me hope for my own healing.

Unknown said...

Brooke: It was. It was. Wanna get together next weekend? I misses you and your cute face.

Karen: A truism!

Darkmuze: Yes?

HF: Is "resilient healer" a nice way to say "poor decision maker?" Or perhaps "bad judge of character"? Hee hee! I'm glad you are my friend, too. Hooray friends!

Anonymous said...

I thought the rock picture up on Flickr was lovely. But this. This is even lovelier, and heartfelt, and honest, and crafty and perhaps most of all hopeful. I love it.

NYE said...

This is divine..I love the way how you do it..the fortune writing and the painting...It is beautiful and heartfelt...

Wondering about people who will pick the stone and the fortune...we all have stories and glimpse of hope and sweetness warms our heart in the hotest of the summer....

Unknown said...

Sprizee: Thank you. And thanks for marking it as a Flickr favorite. That's very sweet of you.

NYRed: Thanks! Your writing is lovely, too. It flows.

O'Grady: I believe it was a lead of 600 at one point. You. Are. Gaining. On. Me! Plus, you're blog is like a year younger so you pretty much already won.

O'Grady: Godammit.

Anonymous said...

It's nice to discover a well-written blog. Thanks.

Lisa Armsweat said...

Yet another well-written post that left me thoughtful. I love coming here! :)

Mind if I borrow your idea regarding the rocks and fortunes for strangers? Sounds like something I'd like to do right about now.

Unknown said...

Side Note: Thank you for the compliment.

Ms. Armsweat: Please please please take the idea! Nothing would make me happier! Send me a photo when you're done!

extraspecialbitter said...

sounds like you're "home". Welcome...

Anonymous said...

(When the Air goes Clear)

man will live in the desert,
with more light than sunshine,
artificial igloos where the
turtles used to roam.

the beaches will be awash,
with more waves than the sea.
the dark the moths depend on
for the matingtime and the
swirlingtime will swallow the
stars, streetlights of eternal flame

needn't turn off in the daytime,
except for aesthetic considerations.

and so the books will be burned
so the old ideas will be wrong
and a new day will dawn with a
sun that refuses to set.

Burning the midnight oil
the noontime oil at eventide,
will not be a way of life but art,
the smoke a pleasure gladly
sifted through helpless hands.

for in a world where things move
all by themselves, what will be at rest?
in the time of everlasting light,
will all blinds be drawn;
in this life of ceaseless waves, will we
ever be less nauseous, find our
centers in the still point of this
ageless turning and come back
to the fact everything lasts forever
giving duration the import of distance?

don't stop the music and
don't stop baby don't stop and
don't withhold the food and i
need to keep on breathing

when all the shoreline is taken
the mountain views crammed with
windows of other views covering the whole
algae we are, and the woods are
torn for the beauty of it by silent tractors
in only the sound of twigs then

man will live in the desert,
with more light than sunshine but
far less night than stars,
artificial whispers where hot
turtles used to roam.

The Waters of martha's Vineyard
uses tidal flows to turn the propellers
of a new clean source of energy
underwater out of sight

and public waterways for profit?

tidal energy lighting our homes
friction of the seas, moving
less with time in increments
less than time. who will
wind up the Earth, when we
work against its turning?

clocks never stop, time itself
in countless things only because
they are countless, has not and
cannot cease. by this eerie
wheelwork we live beyond time
until all shades are drawn;
no light ceases and the question
of handles on the equator to
stop them from flying off into
the void beyond an accelerating globe

becomes the new forest, planted by
human hands, for animals who
forgot how to breed;

freeborn new as you, as me;
our blissful rediscovery.