Tuesday, September 12, 2006

sing me the alphabet

I’m quitting sugar for 21 days. Cold turkey. When chocolate chip cookie dough sounds like a good thing to have for dinner, you know you have a problem. Or perhaps a number of problems. I’ve made it through two full days of turning my nose up at all things sweet and delicious. So far so good. Keep in mind that the Hawaiian economy may collapse but I can’t worry about island states when there are peanut butter labels to read. And jams to shun.

Yes. I've shunned jam.

But I don't shun prophetic dreams! People are having dreams! People like Kay. People like Diana. In these dreams I'm hooking up with a certain boy who makes me laugh like a goofball and who also happens to star in the following snippet. Names have been changed to protect the inocent.

Zach Braff: Hi, this is Zach.
Me: You referred to yourself in the third person.
Zach: What do you mean?
Me: This email. It says “Braff doesn’t like that.” and it’s from you, Mr. Braff.
Zach: What’s your point?
Me: Referring to yourself in the third person is kinda ... um ... weird.
Zach: Braff doesn’t think it’s weird.

Then he hung up on me. Click. For comic effect. And today. I caught him looking at my butt.

I finished my story for Gender F. Gender Foosball. Gender Foxy. Gender Fifth of Gin. It’s about crafts and girls. Girls and crafts. If you’re in the knitting know you’ll be able to make a pair of leg warmers by following the bouncing ball. It hits the streets on September 25 and get this - THEY ARE PAYING ME AGAIN. I thought the first time was some kind of accident but apparently it’s on purpose. Even more amazing - I’m gearing up to write something for a section that is not special and is not about women. Hint: It doesn’t start with and G and end in an F. It’s about my friends and their super cool company and social networking sites and saving the world and doing what you love and seeing how many bottles of Perrier you can drink in an hour without blowing up.

The jam I shunned was blackberry.

I’m thinking of going back to school. I dunno for what. Maybe law. Or maybe French. Or art. I need more assigned reading in my life. And index cards. I’m severely lacking in index cards. Preferably scribbled with words in a foreign language and held together with a rubber band. I might just decide to bake raisin-walnut bread instead. Or join a particularly challenging book club. I could always take up Latin again. Nothing cured my want of an education as effectively as a quarter of Latin.

Ah. Those were the days. The frustration. The erasing. The cassette tapes.

I’d write something snarky here, in Latin, if I was able to retain anything that I could use in somewhat normal conversation. Instead, all I can say are things about killing. And herding sheep.


Criminal Salt said...

You my dear are fucking hilarious. One leg warmer nearly down, when is my dead line again?

Anonymous said...

By the time we have all that we can have,
Something comes to stop it,
Something we've created, by
Belated information and

Berated by the insolence of
Poetry in courtrooms I have
Dreamt my remote viewing in the
Heart of every king who never

Knew the rubies in his crown could,
With the lightning focused form a
Laser piercing iron like the
Glare of angry Gods.

All we do not know, takes the
Steady form of logic while the
Knowledge we were born with
Returns to haunt our dreams

By the time they interrupt us
The time has come for living
All we have are heiroglyphs
To rouse us from our slumber:

I had a dog. And the dog would
Steady climb under the deck. And
Dirty as she was, I relatively shunned her:

Day's exasperation, grabbing a shirt-
Pocketful of fireworks, I lit them off
Between the cracks and
There she stood, trapped trembling.

The better voice inside my heart said
Boy you are a fool, you cannot
Follow golden rules unless you
Think they don't apply to you and

Now I call her name while she looks
Steadily away. It's as
If she does not hear me;
I want my good dreams near me.

extraspecialbitter said...

in vino veritas. amen.