Thursday, July 27, 2006

i don't laugh like a french man

Although I've been accused of it.

Here is me trying to leave myself a voicemail about a sales lead I saw while driving around with my friend Chris. In the time it took me to dial the phone, I had forgotten the name of the business. This was funny only because it followed a two minute conversation about how I didn't need to write it down because I would "totally remember" it tomorrow. Yeah. Either that or completely forget it in, like, 20 seconds.

So, here ya go kids, this is me laughing while Chris mocks me.

this is an audio post - click to play


Anonymous said...

Your laugh makes everything better.

Contrary Guy said...

Previous comment deleted. I could not reconcile the sound with the notion that the laugh was any different from the midwestern women that surround me, even at this very moment. French man? WhatEVER. Someone apparently has an aversion to cheese.

Unknown said...

Boo: Awwww, shucks.

CG: Exactly. It's all Wisconsin and not so much Provence.

Anonymous said...

tu es une belle fille, ne pas une homme francais! C'est fou a pense que!

(i hope that made sense - drawing on my long past oac highschool french ;-)