Sunday, September 12, 2004

happy haikoo!

Labor Day weekend away at a cabin in the middle of near-nowhere with M inspired these little ditties. Just thinking of it makes me feel small and awe-filled of how beautiful trees can be and how quiet can be the best music of all sometimes. Hokey? YEAH. But it was really that nice.

somewhere inside me
a little piece is missing
left at the cabin


whirlwind slips away
as the waves wash over the rocks
good-bye to summer


little red cabin
plopped down in-between birch trees
don’t want to go home


quiet except for
the crickets and the water
near sleep, holding hands


crazy messy hair
wild over the pillows
hard not to kiss him


sitting on the dock
neighbor’s fireworks make up
for missing the 4th


holding his stomach,
“it must be all the bacon.”
one pound in three days


the quiet squeaks when
his hand moves, quick, down the neck
perfect imperfection


rain beating the roof
awoken by the thunder
i reached for your hand

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