Tuesday, March 15, 2005


All good things must come to an end. And thankfully, all terrible things must come to an end, too.


Tomorrow is my last day at Purgatory Coffee! There were days where I honestly thought I would grow old and die here but the last couple months have been filled with far more hope than doom. Oooooh, I’m sure I’ll get a little teary eyed when I hand over the keys since I’ve the tendency to get teary eyed over most anything remotely touching - although I’m pretty sure it’ll be fleeting. I’m also pretty sure that as of tomorrow there will be a little extra bounce in my step because I got through this and if I can get through this, well, I think I’ll be able to get through anything.

My head is so full it’s hard to write. A dangerous mix of daydreams, to do lists and Soul Coughing beats. I linger on the daydreams. The giggle inducing sun in my hair better than the movies daydreams. They float me through the hard parts. The overwhelmed more things to cross off than I have ink for parts. I’m mostly just in awe of how life works. I find myself wanting to say “thank you” a lot. Not sure to who. Just sure of the why. I feel grateful. So thanks, world. Maybe you’re not so mean after all.

Next is a going away/birthday (burpday!) bash that will hopefully go down in the annals of parties had at Big V’s, then I’ll leave Minneapplesauce on Sunday for a two day drive with U-Paul across the top part of the U.S. We have an iPod, lots of nicotine gum and some Mad Libs. The recipe for hijinx if I’m not mistaken. We’re littering the trail with haiku penned in permanent marker on sticker paper and affixed to gas station bathroom stalls as well as our fair share of banana peels. If you want to follow us, just look for the messy haired duo with the Sharpie arsenal.

The next time I’ll probably have time alone with my laptop will be in my new apartment in C@L. Seattle. Sea. At. El. Huh. Wow. Wish I could send you all post cards and invites and blow kisses your way. It’s been a good run. It’ll be a better one soon though. Farewell, home. Hello, new one. I’ll come back to visit. I promise.


Jay said...

I think for fun, on your last day of the coffee house, you should stand up on the main counter, towering over all the other baristas and proclaim in your deepest voice, "...and that concludes our broadcase day."

And when you step down off that counter, and the employees and customers are applauding you give a slight smile, then head out of the door, Kerauak-style and get ready for the next chapter of Haiku-Girl's life.


Anonymous said...

endings are sad - but bookended with a exciting beginning - not so bad! have a safe trip and great fortunes in C@L!